Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Easy peasy BLT-sy

Lately I've been on a BLT kick.

Cook bacon in the oven on aluminum foil and you don't even have to wash the pan.

Also, brown sugar sprinkled on top...soooooooo good.

Sprinkle a little Santa Maria seasoning on the tomatoes.

Enjoy your delicious sandwich.

*Note: this was started almost a month ago. Due to lack of computer and stupid iPhone posting it has taken me that long to give you this.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Off the grid

So, I really want to have a blog. And I want to update it, and post cute crafty things that I (don't) have time to do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. I want to be able to be creative, in my writing, decorating, and crafting in general. Apparently I'm not allowed to have what I want. It doesn't help that my computer is dead, and I have no way to charge it. Yay for iPhone apps!

Since the wedding (which I will hopefully be able to write about one of these days) a lot has happened. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, and I'm trying to type this on my phone...

Coleman opened wedding presents...

Grapes started maturing...

We started a garden, that gets watered probably once a week. Good thing it consists of mostly succulents.

We puppy sat for some friends. I love Sampson.

We used our cuisinart nearly every day since we got married.

Filtered table wines at work.

Went to a bachelorette in manhattan beach

Visited Coleman's parents and ate amazing food

Went to a cousin's wedding, who didn't want to attempt my new last name

Found heaven.

Sampled beer in orange county

Watched star trek

Crushed some grapes...

...then pressed them.

Made bleu cheese burgers and sweet potato fries

And I learned how to drive a tractor.

Also, apparently I have stopped caring about punctuation.

Crush is happening right now. Here's hoping I don't have to work 6 days/week for two and a half months like last year.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So last week I started making my bouquet. Fun times. I enlisted the 8th grade girls I volunteer with to help prep/make some of the flowers. Here's the close up/examples of the flowers:

And here's what I have done.

I have probably 30 more fabric rosettes to make. Time for movies and crafting! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Wedding project

So Kaitlin and I have been working on a wedding craft tonight.

So far we've cut around 60 feet worth of fabric for the bunting! Too bad I forgot to get the cord from Coleman so we can't actually finish it and see how long it really is. Oh well. I'll just get Coleman to help me attach the fabric to the cord for the aisle runners.

Here's hoping the rest of the crafting goes smoothly.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

125 days and counting...

Our wedding is in 125 days. In honor of that I would like to post this video of a wedding that I am considering taking inspiration from. Does anybody want to volunteer to make this a musical wedding ceremony?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lots happening

So I started a post a few months ago. Obviously that didn't turn out so well.

Coleman and I are in the middle of planning a wedding. Parts of the actual planning is stressful like everybody talks about. But the most stressful part so far has been my brother. His wedding is almost a month to the day before ours. And apparently ever since Coleman had the audacity to propose before Chris and Colleen were married (note the sarcasm) he's been incredibly selfish. This is where all of my wedding related stress has come from. He didn't talk to me for 6 weeks because we're using the same venue for our reception that he is. It makes me sad.

I've spent so much time praying for my own pending nuptials that I haven't at all for my brother's. Sometimes I feel like he is still living off our parents' faith and not claiming his own. He didn't find a community of believers in college. He still hasn't connected to anybody in the group he's going to now. I think more frustrating than his selfishness about wedding stuff is his lack of spiritual growth since high school. I feel like the rest of the siblings have taken the opportunities for growth that God has given us. Sometimes we learned our lessons the hard way, but we still grew. But it appears as though he's stagnant in his faith.

Please join me in praying for my brother, and my, marriage to be anchored in Jesus.