Monday, April 26, 2010

Crime Alert

((Parental warning: This warning is directed specifically at my mother. Don't worry, I don't walk to or from Coleman's alone after dark. And my doors are locked at all times. I don't want you freaking out thinking I'm not safe where I'm living, I have never been afraid for my safety while living here.))

After the shooting that happened right off campus my last year working in the dorms (also around the same time of the Virginia Tech shooting), the school started emailing everyone that attends school anytime a major crime (robbery, harassment, shooting, stabbing, etc.) has happened on or around campus. This is their attempt at helping keep the campus more safe.

Sometimes it's annoying. Sometimes it's a little bit freaky. Like last year when the email said there was a shooting or stabbing right around the corner from my apartment ("So that's why the helicopters were flying about my complex", although this seems to be fairly routine).

Tonight I literally cried when I read one of the 2 that had been sent out this last week. 1) A girl was mugged, her purse stolen. Two days later, there was a report of a young woman being raped by two men. She was walking westbound on Shaw, near Backer. She was alone, it was night. But this happened right next to my complex. I feel for this girl.

It broke my heart reading that word. I can't even hear that word without my eyes watering. Today after hearing the message at church I was reminded of the focus of the last bible study series we did in Nehemiah (this is to the specific sermon I'm referencing, if you want to hear the rest of the series click on "More episodes" scroll to the bottom and click on page 4). Brad talked about our Holy Discontent. The thing that God has called us to do with our lives/skills/gifts. Perhaps mine has something to do with victims of this horrible crime. I'm not really sure, I still need to pray on it to determine if and what I could do. Nehemiah went 4 months before being able to do something about his calling to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.

When we were studying Nehemiah I wanted to think that I was called for something else, specifically to teach the junior high girls about relationships/dating. I knew that wasn't right, but I wanted to think it was, because it's easier to talk about. I had a brief moment that I thought it could have something to do with this but didn't want it to be true. I can't even say the word without wanting to cry, how could that be my holy discontent if I can't even say the word? Maybe the real question should be: "How could that not be it?" My heart is clearly broken for that. Maybe it's broken over that, but I'd rather not split hairs at this point.

Right now I want to just turn this over and give it to God. If I'm supposed to do something with this line of thought it will become something, a ministry perhaps, or even a mentorship? Who knows at this point.

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