Since the wedding (which I will hopefully be able to write about one of these days) a lot has happened. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, and I'm trying to type this on my phone...

Coleman opened wedding presents...

Grapes started maturing...

We started a garden, that gets watered probably once a week. Good thing it consists of mostly succulents.

We puppy sat for some friends. I love Sampson.

We used our cuisinart nearly every day since we got married.

Filtered table wines at work.

Went to a bachelorette in manhattan beach

Visited Coleman's parents and ate amazing food

Went to a cousin's wedding, who didn't want to attempt my new last name

Found heaven.

Sampled beer in orange county

Watched star trek

Crushed some grapes...

...then pressed them.

Made bleu cheese burgers and sweet potato fries

And I learned how to drive a tractor.
Also, apparently I have stopped caring about punctuation.
Crush is happening right now. Here's hoping I don't have to work 6 days/week for two and a half months like last year.